Configuration Backups

Published by eKeypad on

eKeypad contains a configuration backup and restore functionality. We strongly recommend that every install make use of this capability. Backups are a vital component of data integrity and disaster recovery of your setup. A backup file should be created or updated every time the configuration has been changed.

Backups are managed within eKeypad on the “Backup Files” screen. This screen can be accessed from the main Configuration screen. All backup files are encrypted to protect your personal information and system information from being viewed.

Creating New Backup Files

The process of manually creating a backup can be done by pressing the “Create New Backup File” button at the top of the screen. A popup window allows the the default name of the backup file to be changed. Entering a file name that already exists will be clearly indicated. Using an existing file name will cause the older file will be overwritten and replaced with the new backup.

Importing and Exporting Backup Files

There are currently four methods available for exporting eKeypad backup files.

  • Bluetooth. This option allows you to copy a backup file from one copy of eKeypad to another. This option is only available if both devices are in close proximity and have Bluetooth enabled.
  • On the source device, tap on the backup file you wish to copy and select the “Share Over Bluetooth” option. A popup will appear to indicate the backup is actively being shared over Bluetooth and the local network. Dismissing the popup will stop the file sharing.
  • On the destination device, tap on the “Import Backup to this Device” link and select the “Receive Shared Backup File” option. This action will display a screen listing all eKeypad backup files being shared on the local network. Tap on the backup file you wish to copy it to the local device. Please note this action only copies the backup file. Restoring the backup file is a separate step.

  • Local Network. This option allows you to copy a backup file from one copy of eKeypad to another. This option is only available if both devices are connected to the same network. Sharing is not possible over cellular data.

    On the source device, tap on the backup file you wish to copy and select the “Share On Local Network” option. A popup will appear to indicate the backup is actively being shared on the network. Dismissing the popup will stop the file sharing.

    On the destination device, tap on the “Import Backup to this Device” link and select the “Receive Shared Backup File” option. This action will display a screen listing all eKeypad backup files being shared on the local network. Tap on the backup file you wish to copy it to the local device. Please note this action only copies the backup file. Restoring the backup file is a separate step.

    For more detailed instructions:

  • Email. This option allow you to send an email with the backup file attached. This option is only available if the device has an email account configured.

    To export a backup file via email, tap on the backup file you wish to copy and select the “Send as Email Attachment” option. A pre-populated email message will appear which you can edit as necessary. The backup file is attached to the email as This email is sent using the Apple Mail application on the device.

    To import a backup file via email, tap on the backup file attachment in the mail message. Open the attachment with eKeypad to copy the file into eKeypad. Restoring the backup file is a separate step.

    Form more detailed instructions:

  • iTunes. This option allow you to add and remove the backup files from a device using a computer and USB cable. No network connection is required for this option. This is also the best option for transferring excessively large backups that can be created by custom Blueprint screens.

    When your iOS device is attached to your computer using a USB cable you will see an icon representing the device in the iTunes application. When selected, a “File Sharing” option will be listed in the device settings list along the left side of the iTunes window. The “File Sharing” option is where files can be inserted and extracted from applications on the device. Scroll down and select the eKeypad entry.

    Important Note: The configuration backup files created by eKeypad end with the extension “.ekarchive”. All other files are critical to the proper operation of eKeypad. Any changes to them will adversely affect its operation.

    To export a backup file via iTunes, drag the file from the file sharing window to a location on the computer. This action will only copy the file. To remove a file on the device it must be explicitly deleted.

    To import a backup file via iTunes, drag the file from the computer to the eKeypad file sharing window in iTunes. This action will only copy the file.

    For more detailed instructions: