Unable to Bypass a Zone

Published by eKeypad on

When bypassing an alarm zone in eKeypad, it is more accurate to describe the process as eKeypad is asking the alarm system to bypass a zone. The alarm panel will then decide whether to perform the bypass action. A rejected request does not result in any error messages or feedback sent back to eKeypad.

To diagnose a bypassing issue there are several configuration elements that commonly cause bypass requests to be rejected on an Elk or Ness M1 alarm panel.

  • Zone type
  • Zone Setting
  • Valid User Code
  • Area Mode

Zone Type

The M1 supports a number of different zone types. However, not all of these types support bypassing. Specifically none of the “24 hour” zone types can be bypassed.

To check how the zone type is defined requires using the RP programming software. If you used an installer for your system you will need their help in verifying or changing this setting.

Zone Setup

In addition to the zone type specification, each zone on the M1 alarm panel has a check box toggle to enable or disable bypassing of the zone.

To check if the zone has bypassing enabled requires using the RP programming software. If you used an installer for your system you will need their help in verifying or changing this setting.

Valid User Code

Bypassing zones from eKeypad requires sending a valid user code to the M1 panel. The user code used for this is the “Valid User Code” filed that is entered when configuring the M1 panel in eKeypad.

To validate this field in eKeypad Pro, open the Config -> “Automation Systems” -> [ The M1 Driver ] -> “Configuration Details” screen. This field will be obscured for security. To verify the value, delete the current data and re-enter a valid code for the M1 panel. Scroll back to the top of the screen and Save the changes.

Area Mode

The M1 has special restrictions for clients that connect via the network interface (like eKeypad does). Specifically, it is not possible to directly bypass or un-bypass zones while the M1 panel is armed.

There are more advanced configurations that can allow bypassing of zones while the M1 is armed but they are outside the scope of this help article. Contact us for more information.

Categories: Common Issues